When I discovered Trinity's blog for the first time, I knew it would be one that I would continue reading forever. Trinity is the author of Captured Everyday and her website is truly captivating. Every word that you will read on her blog comes from a girl who is filled with so much wisdom and kindness. 

Right when you enter her site, it is a rush of simplicity and beauty and the reason she blogs in the first place is so inspiring and encouraging. 

"Of course, the ultimate goal here is to acknowledge & appreciate the beauty that
 God has created all around us. My only prayer is that something shared on here will speak to you personally & touch your heart."

The best thing about Trinity, is that she isn't ashamed to be real on her blog. She is so open and really uses her blog as an outlet (something that I am still trying to work on.)

As Trinity and myself were emailing about our collaboration she said she wished we could just grab a cup of coffee together and chat and I couldn't agree more. Even though all I know of Trinity is from her blog I feel like we have been friends for years (thank God for social media). I love reading the "Words" section on Trinity's blog and seeing the way that she pours her heart out in every posts she writes and like I said before she is so wise and kind and that really comes across in her writing.   

The post above  was used by the Lord in a crazy way to confirm something that I have been praying about and I immediately emailed Trinity. The Lord really is using her blog and her words to speak to people's hearts. After reading Trinity's blog, I have desired to be more real with my readers and to use my space for the Lord more, since He is the one who is allowing such awesome experiences to happen here. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this post as much as I did writing it. Now go check out Trinity's awesome page, I can guarantee that you will love it! 

Captured Everyday    

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