Recently my blog has been going up in views and comments and for me that is definitely a confident booster! Now don't get me wrong, I don't blog for the views, I blog because it is something that I love to do but I will admit that knowing people are actually reading your blog helps a lot! It has helped me write better, take better pictures, and think of some really fun post ideas.  For those of you who are just starting out or maybe you are like me and you have had your blog for a while but havn't known how to get it out there, well I'm going to tell you some things that are great for your blog!

Get Started On BlogLovin': I've had my blog for almost 2 years but for a while I felt like I was writing to no one and just recently I came across a site called Bloglovin' and it changed everything! So how it works is you make an account and you can search for your blog on the site and once you've found your blog, you claim it as yours.  Once you've claimed your blog, then you can search for other blogs to follow! It's so easy and you can find so many blogs that are right up your ally.

Read And Comment: The feeling of writing to no one isn't fun so try commenting on other peoples blogs and leave your link for them so that they can check out your blog too.  The kind of comments that I love getting are ones where I can tell they actually read my post, they left their thoughts, and they left their link for me to read their blog!  And when I get a comment I try to reply back to them, check out their blog, read and comment on one of their post. Commenting can lead to a blogging friendship! 

Join Some Twitter Chats: I recently participated in my first Twitter Chat (mostly because I always forget what time they start) and I am raving about them! Everyone is so nice and helpful and you even gain a few friends along the way! Because I am just starting with Twitter Chats I don't know a lot of them that happen in US time zone so if anyone knows any, leave them in the comments.  I found out about these Chats by following Cocochic's blog and she wrote a post that tells you Everything You Need To Know About Twitter Chats  and this helped me a lot! If you have a blog then you need to join one of these chats!  Make sure you're on time!! 

Post Consistently: Just like with a TV show, you know what night it is on so you know to always check in at that same time on that day.  Your blog should be the same way (I'm still trying to get the hang of this part) but it is so true! When people like your blog they are going to want more and when they don't know when you will be posting next they might forget.  (Out of site out of mind) So pick a day that you will post every week and stick to it! That is a goal for me too! 

Right now I am working on setting up a blog calendar.  I have made a list of topics that I want to write about and I have put them on my calendar to remind me on the day to write and post that topic. I hope it works for me! 

If you have some amazing tips on how you've grown your blog leave them in the comments below I would love to know! 

Bye my peeps!