Hi friends!
This weekend I was able to go up to Brian Head Utah with my young adults group for our Winter Retreat. The whole weekend was full of fun and A LOT of laughter! I laughed so much on this trip and I haven't laughed like that in a long time! The people The Lord has blessed me with are so amazing and encouraging and I am truly blessed by them.
So the story behind the deer is that the people who own the cabin we were staying in raised her and now she is their pet. Her name is Thunder and she is so friendly! The first day we were there I got to pet her and the second day I not only pet her but kissed her on the nose! I can honestly say this has made top three of the coolest things that ever happened to me.
The view we had was so amazing and to see God paint a perfect picture everyday was truly eye opening to how great He is!
The Bible studies we had on this trip were speaking right to my heart. This weekend was hard in that The Lord showed me I was still holding on to my struggles and to the hurt I've
been feeling and even though it may be getting a little easier everyday it will be a
battle that I have to place into my saviors hands everyday for a while. It was the best first winter retreat ever. It was a bittersweet trip because I leave in six days and this trip was me making last memories with some people and some goodbyes.
There were a lot of tears shed, a lot of laugher shared, and a lot of memories made.
I hope you all had an amazing weekend!