Happy Friday! I can't believe how fast this week flew by! it is already my second "Fashionista Friday" post... crazy!
I am so happy it is the weekend and i get to relax and sleep!
i got called into work today which I'm not too happy about because i thought yesterday was my friday but i have the next two days off so praise The Lord!
This is an outfit i wore a couple days ago so i thought i would post it since i won't be wearing anything but my work uniform today.
In the picture above i am wearing my pink and white striped Luna Top (i think it is the luna top) from Brandy Melville and jeans with my grey suede Birkenstocks.
This is probably what i would have worn today if i didn't have to go to work.
I love oversized shirts that are soft and just super comfy.
I hope you guys have a great weekend!
Keep it Beautiful