Tomorrow is my last day of school ever!  I have been going to Calvary since I was in Kindergarden and even before that my parents have been going to church there since I was born.  I have never known anything else.  I'm not sure how public schools work or what it feels like to be the new kid.

This is me on my very first day of school, I still can't believe that tomorrow will be my last.
Lets walk down memory lane shall we?

This is my friend Haley and I in 6th or 7th grade. (what am I doing with my face?)
I remember thinking I was so cool in this point in my life... I was wrong. 

This is at my 8th grade purity banquet with my beautiful mommy!

This was in 9th grade when I had the most beautiful long hair!  Can you tell that I miss my hair?
a lot has changed with my hair alone! 

This was Junior year when I modeled for Gypsy Junkies, hair shorter and more blonde then we get to senior year...

Super short Blonde hair. Like I said a lot has changed! 
Tomorrow is my very last day of school where I have been since I was five years old.  I can honestly say I am scared for what is to come.  After going to the same place, seeing the same people, and sitting in the same school everyday I am interested and scared for what is to come in my future. 
Everything in my life is changing.  The one thing that has always been is going to be over tomorrow and I can honestly say I'm scared.  

Tomorrow everything will change. Things have been so constant and have been the same for so many years.  This is all I know its all I've ever known.  Tomorrow everything will change.  

Keep it Beautiful