Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thankful For 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!!

This has been the craziest, most thrilling, busy, and best year of my life thus far and I have SO much to be thankful for! I have grown so much this year and have learned so much and I can't believe how fast this year has gone by! Last year, around this time, is when I started having feeling for David and now we are 4 months from getting married, how crazy is that?!

There is so much to be Thankful for this year and I am so excited to share some of those things with you here!

I am so thankful for my relationship with God. Truly, if I did not have a Savior to run to every single day, I would feel absolutely hopeless and restless. This year was spiritually very hard. I felt very spiritually dry and tired. I was burnt out, over worked, and I often felt like I was going to give up but the Lord never forsook me and was there ready for me to reach out for Him and let Him cary me. I am so thankful He was my strength through this year.

There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful for my family! We have had a crazy year together but they have showed me their endless support and love towards me and David. I am so close to my parents and more than ever I am thankful for them this last year of my being under their covering and care! I am so excited to see how our relationship develops once I am married.

Last and definitely not least, I am so thankful for David and the season we are in! I cannot even believe that the Lord gave me the blessing of having David in my life! I am so thankful for his understanding, kindness, acceptance, patience, love, and joy in my life! He is one of the greatest humans I know and also my favorite human! I cannot wait to see how the Lord grows us and develops our relationship in the years to come!

If you have not seen our engagement shoot yet you can see that HERE

Happy thanksgiving!!