This was a day for a spontaneous adventure! Pack a lunch you drive up to the mountains with your mom and pup and you have lunch staring at the beautiful picture that God created for you to enjoy.

Living in Vegas isn't as bad as some may think it is. We have the beautiful mountains right in our back yards, a lake 45 minutes away and we have The City right down the street. We are also 4 hours away from California to get our sunbathing on, about 5 hours away from the grand canyon, and 5 hours from the snowy mountains of Utah. If you think about it, we have it all it just takes a little bit of traveling to get there but the journey is half the fun!
With the weather turning cooler (finally) it is prime time for Las Vegas. Perfect time to go for a hike or have a picnic in the mountains and that is just what I did.

A new discovered place is a great place! I had the most wonderful time sitting in the presence of my Savior, reading a chapter in a book I've never read before, getting outside and enjoying the cooler weather. I hope that all of you are enjoying this time of year by getting out and seeing the beauty that surrounds you! I will talk with you soon